The most regretful people on

Squam Workshops

the Magic of MythSquam loves to travel the world. We love to be part of your daily life. Put those two things together and what do you get? A series of online workshops custom-tailored for you by our most beloved Squam teachers that you can enjoy, no matter where you live.

We’re thrilled to be able to show up in your kitchen, your studio, in your favorite easy chair, at your dining room table, outside on the patio—wherever you want to create a space for an inspiring online workshop—we will meet you there. (And hey! We won’t even leave a sink full of messy dishes behind in our wake.)*

These one-of-a-kind offerings promise to bring more light, more fun and a whole lotta hands-on learning into your life, all within in the comfort and privacy of your home.

The Goddess Book Club Please know, class size is always limited so that you will have full access to the time and attention of your teacher. And, as always, don’t hesitate to send us an email if you have any questions.

*are we not the best houseguests, like ever?

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. Thank you so much for your interest!
Magic of Myth II will be available this coming Fall, October 2016.
The Magic of Myth, an enchanted journey
is happening once more . . . join us! Together we will explore the transformative power and beauty of myth. In the process, we will better understand how we are living the hero's journey, right now.

learn more
Squam 2011 Animal Totem Workshop
Squam 2011 Animal Totem Workshop
Squam - Maine Media Workshop Creative Storytelling Submission
Squam - Maine Media Workshop Creative Storytelling Submission
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