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Florence Art Academy

faa us introLocated at Mana Contemporary - a 2-million-square-foot arts center in Jersey City - the U.S. branch is an exact replica of the original academy in Florence related to teaching methodology, standards for graduation, and the physical setup of the studio. Academic Director, Jordan Sokol, and his instructors are trained in the methodology and philosophy guiding the Florence studio. As a result, students may transfer seamlessly into the same level in Florence, Mölndal, or the U.S. without experiencing any difference in the curriculum or instructional language, or they may spend a trimester of study as an exchange student at a different location.

Like our school in Sweden, at our U.S. branch, students of all levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) work together under one roof, allowing beginners to see and learn from the challenges and progress of students farther along in the program. In addition, all of the instructors work in studios on school premises, allowing students to benefit not only from daily instruction and critique but also from watching the professional artist at work. This relationship, developed over many hours spent together in the studio, is significant to the general atmosphere of the school and is considered fundamental to the student's development.

Mana Contemporary provides an unparalleled environment for creating and experiencing art. Students will be part of a large and vivacious art scene that includes artists, galleries, exhibition spaces, and opportunities to meet the public. Mana Contemporary is easily reached by public transportation from Manhattan, and the surrounding neighborhood provides housing, shops, and services for all of our students' practical needs.

Florence Academy of Art, School of fine arts Italy
Florence Academy of Art, School of fine arts Italy
Florence Academy of Fine Arts Fashion Show
Florence Academy of Fine Arts Fashion Show
Daniel Graves, The Florence Academy Of Art
Daniel Graves, The Florence Academy Of Art
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