
Holidays painting

Questions & Answers About Painting on Windows!

Hopefully this page will answer some of the most common questions that you may have about window painting.

You can also find answers to questions I get in email by visiting my new FACEBOOK page here. Using facebook was a great way for me to answer some of the more UNcommon questions plus share PHOTOS of past windows I've painted around town.

Happy Painting!
the Window Woman

What type of paint & brushes do you use for window painting?
Our patterns were designed for the home painter and can be used with ACRYLIC CRAFT PAINTS because of the ease of use, color selection, low cost, weather resistance and easy cleanup. However, TEMPERA can also be used if you prefer. I prefer tempera. Keep in mind that temperas will run if hit by heavy rain so you may want to consider painting from the inside when using these.

Basic Acrylic Craft Paint- If you are just doing a small home window using any of the "basic" acrylic craft paints such as DecoArt's Americana or Ceramcoat will work fine. DON'T use acrylics that are designed for painting on glass as they are INTENDED to be permanent and can be difficult to remove after the holidays. The basic ordinary craft paints are what you want.

Tempera Paint - My personal preference for windowpainting is ProArt Tempera. I used it almost exclusively in my window painting business. It has excellent coverage, the colors are vibrant and it flows on well. I love working with it.

Pay attention to the labels. If the tempera is labeled "Washable" or "For Kids" it will not have as much pigment as the higher artist quality but if you will be working with young children "washable" is probably a good choice as it washes out of clothes easier. And don't forget drop cloths with little painters.

Available online from Varneys. and Jerrolls Bookstore in Ellensburg Washington. I asked Jerrolls if they would ship and they said yes but you may have to contact them by email or phone. I am not an affiliate of either company.

Brushes - The most wonderful for painting on glass are Loew-Cornell GOLDEN TAKLON in either a ½" or ¾" for filling in color and their Golden Taklon liner brush for doing the outlines. Synthetic white brushes also work. Natural hair or very soft brushes will work but not as well as the other. For large areas of color the one inch sponge brushes are also nice (especially with kids) as well as being inexpensive.

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