Watercolour Workshops @

Watercolour Workshops

Watercolor Workshop

Susan Harrison-Tustain
Two 3-day Watercolour Workshops

Susan is thrilled to announce that she has scheduled two more 3-day watercolour workshops in the lovely seaside town of Maroochydore, on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia. She conducted highly successful workshops there in 2013 and 2015, and is very much looking forward to returning. Please note that a large number of artists have expressed interest in attending Susan’s workshops, so places will be reserved strictly in order of receipt of the deposit payment. Please scroll down this page for full information and booking details.

About Susan:

The-Wind's-SongInternationally acclaimed New Zealand artist Susan Harrison-Tustain is a highly experienced art workshop tutor and art instruction DVD presenter (over 30, 000 art instruction DVDs sold world-wide). Susan is also the author of a best-selling North American published art book (60, 000 copies sold world-wide). Her work features in numerous international books and leading art magazines (including ‘International Artist’, ‘Australian Artist’ and ‘The Art of Watercolour’). She and her husband Richard also lead one-off sight-seeing, painting, photography and wine appreciation tours in Europe.

Tutoring for 25 years and hosting workshops in NZ, Australia, USA and Europe, Susan’s workshops are always in very high demand. Those in Maroochydore have attracted artists from around Australia, plus New Zealand, the USA and Canada.

Susan-&-RichardSusan’s Workshops:

Maroochydore is an idyllic spot to teach and learn painting. It’s a holiday town – the perfect place for everyone to unwind in a lovely relaxed, friendly atmosphere as Susan shares her unique teaching style and all that she knows about painting and watercolour.

One afternoon, after class, Richard will offer bonus tuition for those keen to learn how to capture great photographs. Richard will share his knowledge of photography and teach you how to get the most from your digital camera and compose images that will inspire you to capture them in watercolour. Partners are welcome to join in this session too.

As usual the workshop places will be allocated on a ‘first in – first served‘ basis’.

Susan says:

“The success of a painting is often determined by the time we take before putting brush to paper. We can be the best artists in the world at wielding a brush – but without the knowledge of our medium, good composition, observation, analysis, deliberation, colour and colour temperature – our paintings will never reach their full potential.”

Josephine-Bruce Susan-teaching Gliding-By Bird-Feeder


Experimental Watercolour Workshop
Experimental Watercolour Workshop
Big hART Watercolour Workshops at Stepping Stones School
Big hART Watercolour Workshops at Stepping Stones School
Sutterby Church - Lincolnshire Wolds - Watercolour workshop
Sutterby Church - Lincolnshire Wolds - Watercolour workshop
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