Milford 2015

Writers Workshop UK


Feedback & editing services

Get constructive professional guidance on your work
Send your manuscript to us and we will read it in full. We'll tell you in detail what's working, what's not working, and how to fix the stuff that isn't yet right. You will also be able to discuss our feedback directly with your editor. See sample feedback.

We help with literary agents - and for free
If your manuscript is strong enough to be marketed, we'll help with that too. We have outstanding links with literary agents and have placed work with most of the leading literary agencies in the UK. See our connections

Get help from the strongest editorial team in the country
Our editors are a team of about 70 authors and commissioning editors from major publishing houses. Because we have expertise in every genre, for adults and children, we'll have someone who understands your manuscript and its market. Meet the team.

Work with us - and help get yourself published
We're lucky to have had some outstanding clients and every year we help more of them find agents, get book deals and build careers. If you have ability, a great idea and a willingness to work damn hard, then please join our group - and start on the path to publication. See our success stories and why we're blushing.

We're proud to guarantee our work
We so confident in the quality of what we offer that we're happy to guarantee it. See our editorial guarantee.

Script feedback from professional screenwriters

Our charge for a full length movie manuscript is £280. Our fee for scripts running for one hour or less is £225. For that fee, you will receive (i) a full report by a professional script editor, (ii) the opportunity to discuss your work with your editor, and (iii) our help in placing your work with an agent (if the work is of sufficient quality).
All work should be in standard industry format (1 page = 1 minute). If your work is not in this format, we can still offer feedback & advice - but we've never yet seen a script in the wrong format which doesn't need a lot of basic structural work. So you have been warned!

Opening chunk review / Agent submission review

You can send us either

  • your first few chapters, up to 8, 000 words. ("Opening chunk review")


  • Your covering letter to an agent,
  • Your draft synopsis, and
  • The opening 5, 000 words of your novel or non-fiction MS ("Agent submission review")

In both cases, we will give you detailed feedback on your work and advice on how to improve your material. We use the same team of editors as for our full editorial service and we expect the level of quality advice to be the same. (Indeed, we guarantee it.) The average report length is 1, 500 words.

The Opening Chunk Review is a great choice if you're at an early stage in writing and just want pointers on how you're doing and what to focus on from here. (Though do note, if you want detailed advice on your plot we will have to read your entire manuscript, in which case you need the full review) The perfect start point if you want top quality input for a special price, you'll get a great deal from this service.

The Agent Submission Review is ideal if you are getting ready to send your work to an agent, and you want detailed professional advice on how to perfect your submission. ( As above please note, if you want detailed advice on your plot, we will have to read your entire manuscript, in which case you need the full review, not the short one. Sorry!)

To proceed, just email us your work and make payment online. Total fee: £145.

Picture book feedback

Learn how to succeed in this highly specialist market
We also offer detailed advice on children’s picture books - and naturally we use editors with deep experience of this specialist field. Click here for more info.

Script Writing Workshops in the UK, how to write a screenplay
Script Writing Workshops in the UK, how to write a screenplay scriptwriting workshops scriptwriting workshops
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Reverse Graffiti workshop / Moose (Uk) / USE THE CITY ...
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